Business Planning



What are you waiting on? Do you need a business plan to articulate your idea to your potential partners, suppliers, and customers? We can help


Data Analysis



Numbers numbers numbers 

So much data pours into our lives daily, it can be difficult to know what to do with it all. We help you analyze that data to make better business decisions.





What would you like to be... we can help you get there.

Whether you want to be registered as a 501c-3 non profit, an LLC, an S Corp, a C Corp, a partnership etc. We can help make your entity official


Grant Writing



Have you found the perfect grant to fund your life's work? We can help you articulate your needs to the grant funding organization. 


Strategic Planning



Opportunity is best developed through strategy. We can help you develop a strategy to grow your life's work into sustainable business model. 


Marketing Strategy



How should you go to market? We can help you answer that question. Digital, print, radio, and social media are all around us. We can help you find where your customers exist and help you tell them the solutions you provide.